Hi, I'm new to the forum and believe I have an interesting Theremin that was given to me today by my father. IT's a Moog model 201 SN:5425.
I remember playing with this as a child about 30 years or so ago. From what I've read and seen so far, it's missing the volume control plate. I'm hoping that's the reason it's not working quite properly. It does power up properly and there is some oscilation detectable, but it's mostly just a rather loud static with no control over the volume.
Is it possible to just use a piece of brass plate between the posts on the volume side to see if that's the problem? I'm very interested in getting this working again. I have some experience working with vintage guitar tube amps, so this is pretty intriguing!
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated!
Brian Sody Sodergren on Facebook