Hi there,
I've been looking with interest at the build article by Craig Hanson about the tube theremin described in the 1961 issue of Electronics Illustrated and I have a few questions about some of the components.
First, the 500kHz crystal - the article says that crystals with frequencies around 26 or 27MHz will work (which is great, since 500kHz crystals are like hen's teeth). A quick search on Mouser shows that most of these crystals have a tolerance of around 30ppm, is that OK?
Second, the article calls for a power transformer with 240-0-240 secondary. Craig uses a Hammond 270ax, which is 250-0-250. Is it OK to go a little under as well. I have a transformer handy that has a 230V secondary. The other consideration is that the transformer I have has no centre tap on the secondary, so if 230V unregulated is OK will it be OK to use a hybrid design (about half way down the page) with some rectifier diodes or just substitute a bridge rectifier for the rectifier valve?
Third, the BOM calls for a couple of porcelain feed-through insulators. Do they have to be porcelain? It'd be nice if I could find an reasonable substitute from Mouser or AES, to keep minimise the number of places I order from. Something like this looks OK to me - it's rated for 15A and 2.85kV
Thanks, Patrick