Having often got really Pi**ed off with Thierry for comments he has made, and expressed this at times, I have come to realise that it almost (LOL ;-) always comes down to a language misunderstanding..
Thierrys english is exceptionally good - often above the level of many for whom english is a first language.. BUT.. his choice of words, even though perhaps "correct", can sometimes be offensive..
The problem is that he can be blissfully unaware, and unable to see that what he has said could be interpreted as offensive by a native english speaker... A remember being highly offended (and taken aback) when he use the word "Animosity" in one exchange with me - To me, in the context, it was outrageous and offensive..
Thierry was obviously mystified by my reaction - And after painful exchanges and analysis, it turned out that, to Thierry, "animosity" and "excentricity" were nearly synonyms -
I strongly suspect that some similar misunderstanding is occurring here.
Apart from this, Jason has posted a message to the forum explaining his situation - He is obviously under stress and havin work / family healt problems etc..
None of us has any "rights" to any service provided by TW - It is Jason's work and dedication which has kept this site operational for our free use.. Yes, loss of features does cause difficulty.. But at least the site is still operational -
Even if it was to crash entirely though, and Jason was not able or interested in fixing it at this time - had personal priorities which took precidence - That would be his right, and we may be upset - but we would just need to excercise patience and understanding, and wish Jason well.
And Jason, if perchance you did read this.. I wish you well, and I know that everyone here at TW does.. It is too easy to take someone for granted, and not realise their enormous effort and contribution until, for whatever reason, they are absent.