Hey there,
I built one the Volume part of this Theremin to use it as CV - Source for my modular synthesizer.
I use exactly the same parts as in the circuit but it just doesnt work well.
This means that the sound isnt clear and the hf oscillators dont create real sinewaves, but some distorted sinewaves.
In addition to that the theremin must be trimmed again when i power it up again.
I built this thing on a matrix board and soldered and old radio Antenna to it via a 1mm thick cable which is about 15cm long.
The Capacities in the circuit must be electrolytic capacitors because their capacity is so high. So I just used this type of capacitors always with the negative pin to the ground... I dont know if this is right.
Another thing is that the oscillators oscillate at about 700kHz instead of 760, therefore i should try some other inductivities (sorry if that word doesnt exist).
I hope someone can understand this text and that somebody can help me out