Some more advice on simulating..
Work with minimum circuit blocks first.. For example, with a Theremin front-end..
'Build' ONE oscillator and test it.. usually the oscillators are almost identical.
'build' the mixer - but instead of using 'actual' oscillators, use sine generators (these can have their frequency and amplitudes set to whatever you want - specify the amplitude you got from your 'real' oscillator, and set one frequency (variable oscillator) at the frequency of your 'real' oscillator, and the other at say 200Hz higher..
You can now test the mixer quickly - the simulation does not need to compute all the signals to make each oscillator run - there is no delay while DC levels stabilize - the simulation will run at least 1000 times faster!
When you have tested each block independently, select a time when you wont need to use your PC for severaL HOURS, put all the blocks together, and run the simulation... It is a good idea to do a complete simulation (if possible) once each block has been verified - because you may have missed something... For example, any loading caused by the mixer would not affect signal generators, but may affect 'real' oscillators.. Also (as in the case of the EW simulation) the oscillators may couple to each other via the mixer components (with the EW, coupling is provided through C2 and C6) and this changes the waveshape seen from the mixer (on C23) and can cause the oscillators to pull to the same frequency (giving a DC level, and no difference frequency on C23).
When running the full simulation, it is a good idea to set the oscillator free-run frequencies to have about 1kHz difference - unless you particularly want to examine oscillator locking.
(in the case of the EPE circuit you are looking at, the mixer circuit block should include the buffer circuit - R9,C11,R10,C12,R11,R12,TR3,C14 - and feed the supply into the top of R12.. you dont need R13/C13 for simulation - it just slows the simulation down - You should not need to run a full simulation of the whole system - there is no loading or oscillator coupling of any relevance with this Theremin)
... In fact, looking at this EPE circuit again.. mixing is not occurring at the diodes - I think TR3 is doing the mixing! - it is the non-linear Ib/Ic relationship which does the multiplication.
[b] One final thing.. ;-) [/b] .. If you do create some simulations, PLEASE (please?) post these up to Element-14 ( .. I am getting kind of lonely there, all on my own! ;-)