I don't want to re-open a can o' worms but there's something I wanted to ask the group about internet protocols, privacy and netiquette.
When a newbie nobody knows goes onto an open public forum, introduces him or her self, and politely asks a group for advice, is it a good idea for any single member of that group to immediately contact the individual privately and continue the discussion off-line?
Then, when that member feels RIGHTLY or WRONGLY that the newbie's response is inappropriate, publish the presumably PRIVATE correspondence (which the member initiated) and post it to the very same forum that the member, for whatever reason, did not want to use in the first place?
I'm neither condemning nor condoning anybody. I have seen this kind of thing happen before in other forums and special interest groups. My question is general and theoretical and applies to any group anywhere, so PULLLEEEEEZE don't try to recycle yesterday's garbage. That's over and done with!
This is not about any specific person, it's about all of us.