I think it's a very good job for a week of playing. Overall it's in need of a lot of improvement but from the sound of your playing that'll probably come with time. There are a lot of bum notes in there, but at least you're holding them rather steadily - the question is whether you can hear those bum notes or not. I hear them better after what is approaching two years of playing, but not so much first off. Charlie Draper thinks that your sense of pitch cannot learn or develop, but I think he's wrong; ears can be trained, in fact it's one of the things you really notice about experienced sound engineers and singers. "Talent" - god given gift - may be real, but it is an advantage as opposed to a golden ticket.
One thing that bugs me a little bit about it is the dynamics - the notes are very on/off/on/off. Try playing with volume settings a little bit and being gentler with your volume hand, practice those swells :)
One thing I really like about it is the use of portamento, which while a bit rich is very smooth and well-executed.
I think it's a good first effort, you've definitely got the right idea - I don't know the song, though!