I remember hearing about this thing called a theremin when I was growing up; it fascinated me. That's probably not surprising, since I was rather odd growing up. I guess some things don't change...
My attention was brought back to it by a piece on the instrument that I heard on my local National Public Radio station (WBEZ Chicago). Once it was over, I started googling for more info. I tend to do that when I'm struck by a new interest; I go out and read through all the easily accessible information I can get my hands on. Wikipedia is such a godsend. As well as the wikipedia articles on the theremin and it's practioners, I've poked through a few other resources, most of which lead me right back to Theremin World.
Of course, I've watched a dozen or two theremin performances on Youtube too; neat stuff!
I've been working all week at deciding what model to buy for myself. Finally, even though I nearly bought an etherwave on Ebay today (outbid at the last minute!), I've decided on the Burns B3 Deluxe and will be making a purchase as soon as I get caught up with my ledger (which I probably should have done before I nearly spent $300 earier today!).
Anyway, I'm a professional computer geek who lives in Wisconsin and works in Illinois. I'm something of an amateur photographer (I swear I'm going to get motivated and enter some of my urban ruins material in a show this year), and since last Summer I dabble at playing the drums too, an interest I expanded into after playing Rock Band on my brother's X-Box 360.
I have a friend in the area (he goes by Zell) who does a little bit of busking in Chicago and is a multi-instrumentalist. Drums are a little hard to lug around, and nobody I know locally plays any instruments who I could jam with, but I suspect Zell is just the sort of guy who'd love to make some music with me once I get my hands on a theremin that I can cart around with me.
Other random things I've been interested in at random points are technical theatre (lighting and rigging), marble roller coasters, CB and ham radio (though I'm not licensed and don't have much electronics knowledge), high voltage toys (I built my own jacob's ladder out of a neon sigh transformer; I wonder what running it in the same room as a theremin would do to the sound?), and other painfully dorky things that are currently lost in the mists that I like to call my memory.
Good to meet you all!