I’ve recently bought a Claravox, being left handed and not being able to get a left handed instrument I swapped around the antenna and associated pcb on my right handed unit. The “conversion” was quite successful and I’m very pleased with it. However, I do notice that in traditional mode now (and to be honest that’s not how I’m using it) the volume is very much lower than in the modern mode.
I noticed that the two small pcb associated with the antenna have a choke on them which can be accessed via the small brass holes on each sides of the case. There is no reference to these in the manual but I’m wondering if having swapped the boards from one side to the other within the case, one or other of these chokes might need a small adjustment. I really don’t want to screw things up!
Any thoughts?
Moog Claravox
Posted: 2/6/2023 8:48:06 PM
Posted: 2/6/2023 9:32:12 PM
The traditional mode is quieter than modern on my unmodified instrument. You might want to check the volume field though, mine shipped with a volume field that was much wider in traditional mode than modern which caused my body and knee to dampen the volume quite a bit. I was able to ameliorate by shrinking the volume field to a reasonable size it in traditional mode and then doing the calibration procedure in modern mode
Posted: 2/6/2023 9:46:40 PM
The traditional mode is quieter than modern on my unmodified instrument. You might want to check the volume field though, mine shipped with a volume field that was much wider in traditional mode than modern which caused my body and knee to dampen the volume quite a bit. I was able to ameliorate by shrinking the volume field to a reasonable size it in traditional mode and then doing the calibration procedure in modern mode
Thanks for that suggestion and observation, I’ll take a look at that but it’s certainly quieter than before my dabbling with the unit.
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