The Eventide Synthonizer is a guitar pedal that takes an input and basically lets you mix a configurable proportion of an additive and subtractive synthezier to it. Interesting that the additive component is referred to as adding an organ or theremin like sound in the manual.
Well I actually got the new Eventide H9 Max pedal, which basically has all the Evenide pedals incorporated into the box with a bluetooth interface that lets you edit on you ipad. Wow. This is a killer pedal that also has a looper function (only 20 seconds though) and zillion effects (some of which are not all that great for theremin but some are wonderful). I might talk about some of the other pedal functions in other effect threads, but it was this Synthonizer function that called me like a lemming to a cliff.
I just got a Burns B3 Pro, which looks really nice, but puts out a very low signal to my ears as compared to my Etherwave (which is still in the shop). It has a nice tone (but also seems very susceptible to AC noise compared to the Etherwave). Anyway, nice tone, but it's just got no bite to it like those beasts of old. So I wondered if I could simulate adding that grittiness I'm after through this Synthonizer function. Brought up the iPad interface and played around with mixing the synths and delay function until I had a setting that I liked.
Played in a little old style accompaniment in my DAW and then improvized a tune on the Burns. Redid it through the Synthonizer with my setting. I was surprised that I got a sound that was close to what I was looking for. However you can only play so high before some strange aliasing effects come in and there is a bit of delay going through the algorithm which makes it a lot harder to keep in tune.
Eventide Synthonizer with Theremin