I am NOT a tube expert - I dont even qualify as a competent tube hobbyist! - So everything which follows may be wrong, and is based on ideas and memories which could be completely wrong..
1.) I am looking at driving the filament/s with DC, regulating the current rather than the voltage (if the current is constant then the voltage across the filament should be constant if its resistance doesnt change - I am looking at setting the current to provide the correct voltage when the tube is hot, this will limit the start-up current when the tube is cold.. I also intend to ramp the current up at switch-on, and slowly fade it down at turn-off, as I believe this should make the tube life longer)
Regulating the current makes everything a lot easier - An LM317 looks ideal for the job.. And this scheme gives protection without any extra circuitry.
2.) I have a niggling worry about driving filaments with DC.. I think I remember tales of 'migration' in filaments that were DC driven (elements in the filament migrating to the +Ve or -Ve side, weakening the wire, and causing early failure) but cannot find any reference to this, so its probably a myth (although I can see that it may not be).
3.) The filament has an 'averaging' function which means that noise / AC on it shouldnt be that serious - I dont like having audio frequency AC (50/60 Hz and harmonics) anywhere near any signal path, so getting rid of AC filament drive suits me fine.. But technically, there shouldnt be any significant "transfer" of filament AC to the signal path - it should just come down to the filament temperature, and I cant see this fluctuating at 50/60 Hz. I suppose (depending on how configured) one could get coupling from the filament to Cathode.. Whatever .. I will use DC.. But I mention this as a preface to the next....
4.) As I see it, the primary source of supply induced 'noise' is more likely to be on the Anode - Cathode circuit (and of course anything coupled to the grid/s). For this reason, I think that if you use any kind of inverter to provide the HV supply, filtering this supply so that there is no AC on it will be essential.
5.) Re the above (4), I would avoid using a low frequency (50/60 Hz) inverter to generate the HV supply - I would look instead at a high frequency DC-DC step-up converter - Its a LOT easier and cheaper to apply good filtering and linear regulation to the output from such a converter rather than to rectify and filter 50/60 Hz HV AC.
6.) Simple SMPS with a small step-up HF inductor / transformer can be made with a readily available cheap IC.. The only area of some bother is that the HF needs to be "contained" and fully filtered, particularly with theremins.. But IMO this is still a LOT easier than getting rid of mains frequencies. I have never used such a step-up on tubes, but I have used it to provide HV for antenna shielding (right at the most sensitive part of the theremin) and I was able to get rid of all HF on the supply with a passive LRC filter followed by a linear regulator. [ This is a SMPS family that looks ideal for the job - output voltages up to 350V DC can be obtained on some parts, more if you use a transformer.. But best, you can synchronise the switching to some external clock like the reference oscillator, which eliminates any possibility of ghost tones. - I must just say that I didnt use this part, Its SMD - I used a basic unsynchronised SMPS IC and added more complex circuitry to get what I needed]
Unlike you, I am not absolutely convinced that tubes add anything which cant be created more simply using modern components.. I have no interest in cumbersome electronics and HV supplies etc unless these are absolutely required for "good" sound.
My thinking is in the lines that IF tubes are "needed" then they will be needed probably for the mixer and (perhaps) output stages only - the mixer being by far the most likely important role. I cannot see any sonic benefit in replacing oscillators with tube ones, but there might be a thermal / stability benefit.
I also think (and Thierry is the person who got me to look more closely at this) it likely that to get the "classic" mixer sound, the mixer needs to drive a transformer, and the charactaristics of this transformer (and related resonant components) will be critical in 'coloring' the tone.
So my experiments will be on the following lines:
A:) Build a 2 tube mixer / amplifier using 6J2 tubes with a 12V "HT" supply, use small available audio coupling transformers, drive the mixer inputs first from my signal generators (and play with the circuit, messing about with the grid drive levels, capacitances on the transformers, that sort of stuff) and if anything promising shows up, proceed - otherwise it goes into my big box of other time-wasters.
B:) If I get past A, link up the buffered EW oscillators to the mixer (with whatever scaling / biasing I have determined from the sig-gen experiments) and give it a spin.
C:) IF its really good, build a little buffer board to fit in the EW, with a socket taking the signals (and the volume and perhaps EW audio) to the external tube box (which would be seperately powered).. Add a (probably H11F1) VCA to the box, and get some thereminists to evaluate it before I do anything else.
In truth, had it not been for seeing a tube mixer powered from 6V, I wouldnt even have looked at tubes - I have a load of lovely mixers.. But tubes are probably the only mixer type I havent explored (Almost in order of preference, but their use is application specific.. Ive built Fet,Linear CMOS, AD633 4QM, MC1496 4QM, BJT, Optical, XOR/Mixed Signal, Diode) So I need to try a tube mixer at least once!