Cheap Theramin

Posted: 11/26/2005 10:42:57 PM

Joined: 11/26/2005

I've been wanting a Theremin to mess with for awhile. The thing is, I don't really want a serious instrument so much as an effect to mess with. I don't want to really spend much money because I'd basically be using it to make cool sounds and noises, pretty much to the extent Jimmy Page uses the Theremin during the breakdown of "Whole Lotta Love" or the Theremin in the background of "Velouria" by the Pixies. That said, I don't really care if it is an "authentic Theremin", I sorta just want something with the antennea that sounds and acts like a theremin. And I am sorry if I have offended anyone and everyone that takes the Theremin seriously.
Posted: 11/27/2005 7:58:27 AM

From: Leicester, UK

Joined: 9/23/2005

there is probably something here to suit your needs

they have many models - see links along the top.

he sells them on ebay too

there is also

tho some of the cheaper photo theremins can have a really cheap sound no better than a stylophone and of no great use for cool noisemaking - I ordered one once and sonically it was so crap it went in the trash in the end

good luck

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